Thursday 1 November 2012

Disney Buys LucasFilm. Star Wars Ep 7 out 2015. WTF?!

On October 30th 2012, nerds everywhere felt excitement, fear, sadness and confusion to the news that George Lucas, the father of the Star Wars franchise had sold his company LucasFilm to Disney for $4.05 Billion and Disney has plans to release a brand new trilogy of films, starting with Star Wars: Episode 7 in 2015.

My first reaction to hearing the news was “What the f**k just happened?!” and “No. No. That's not true. That's impossible!”

One moment, I was happy with my Star Wars franchise, except the prequels (Jar-Jar Binks and Hayden Christensen shall forever be a mental scar). And then the next, I’m getting a whole new trilogy with an original story and all new characters and settings.

And who is the one making this trilogy? None other than the guys responsible for all of my favourite childhood animated films and other mental scars (Mufusa?! NOOOOOOOOO!) and the ones who also bought Marvel comics.

That was my reaction, but what did other people think?

Jack, 19, Student:  “I think it will either be an absolute disaster or a blockbuster smash. Personally, I don’t have any idea how it will go, in my opinion they would have to listen to the fans of the franchise otherwise it will flop.”

Lucy, 21, Student: “It'll make no difference to my life and I am more excited about The Hangover 3”

James, 20, Student: “Disney are known for their princess films and Pixar, but Star Wars can add to that - insanely iconic characters that everyone knows about, with an insanely iconic company that everyone knows about.”

David, 65, Teacher: “I am psyched. I can't wait until 2015, and I DO trust Disney to do a great job. They're my favourite company.”

Nina, 21, Student: “I think they will continue to do the best to maintain the fan base that Star Wars has previously built up. It is in the best interest to do so”.

Julia, 56, Mother: “I’ll be out of pocket as I’ll be the one buying you the tickets to go and see every single movie they make!”

Woops, the last one was my mum. Don’t know how that one got in there…

Anyway, a lot of mixed reactions to the news. Personally, I am…in shock. I don’t really know if I’m excited or worried for the steps that Disney is going to make with one of my favourite movie franchises ever.

But if they make another Anakin Skywalker from Episode 2 and 3, Disney is going to be thrown into the Sarlacc Pit.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha Loving this topic!
    Can totally relate to the childhood scars - spinning wheels still freak me out!
    When it comes to 'DisneyWars-gate', I agree with some of your vox pops! I think Disney have the cash and the resources to do a good job!
    Besides, can't be any worse than those prequels that IMHO were stains on the Star Wars Franchise!
    And remember the power of positive thinking!
    Mary x
